College Bound Mentor, LLC
College Bound Mentor, LLC
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For current clients, please indicate what you want to discuss in the Comments field.
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The Freshman initial consultation is designed to assess the student’s progress to date. It is also an opportunity for College Bound Mentor to get to know the student better to develop a personalized plan for the student based on his or her individual needs.
The Sophomore initial consultation is designed to assess the student’s progress to date. It is also an opportunity for College Bound Mentor to get to know the student better to develop a personalized plan for the student based on his or her individual needs.
Develop a one-year plan including strategies, recommendations for coursework, activities, summer experiences, testing plan, college visits, community service and internships.
Senior Initial Meeting. Please book at least 2 days in advance to allow time to fill out surveys.
We walk through a personal needs assessment to help identify the right fit college for you based on your learning style, interests, personality, and goals.
Present list of colleges
We will help you put together your resume/activity listing
We will help plan your courses and summer activities for coming year.
We will go through a series of questions to identify possible essay topics for the main essay as well as supplemental essays. Be prepared to dig deep as we identify your key themes and stories.
Meeting to plan out your supplemental essays.
Quick check in meeting
Senior general meeting
Quick follow up questions
Follow up or meeting to touch base and manage to plan
The Graduate School Initial Consultation is designed to evaluate the student’s current record and determine the best path for a successful application.
Brainstorm for grad school essays.
Evaluate your prospects for transferring and develop a plan to reach your goals.
Transfer essay brainstorming and strategy session
Review essays, work on writing, etc.
We will go over the YouScience results and develop and identify careers that match your talents and interests.
Senior general meeting
Mock interview
There are no classes to displayTeam
Positioning students for the right college and beyond.
Good to know